Modern Feminism is a male-bashing movement

Modern feminism is a scourge, for men and boys.
But also, it may surprise you, for women. 

It does not care about women.  It cares about bashing men and boys.

And God help any woman who deviates from the party line... and stands up for men,  or chooses not to lured into "career above all else".  

It is run by a bitter and power hungry elite - the female supremacists.  In academia, journalism, and in some key public service positions (army recruiting in Australia).  

This is an important documentary by a Initially feminist woman on the MRM (Men's Right's Movement).

It's called "The Red Pill"   -  a term used by the MRM referring to the movie "The Matrix" where Neo has to choose between "the red pill, or the blue pill". 

Men today have as many rights and respect as Blacks in the deep south in 1950... or jews in Nazi Germany.

Feminism as it has stood for quite a while is essentially a Female Supremacist movement... see books such as "the end of men"  by Hannah Rosin.

The female attorney-general of Canada summed it up nicely when she said "Men have no rights, only obligations".

It's time to fight back - as are concerned Men and Women -  against this malignant cancer that is destroying kids (boys and girls estranged from fathers)  and western civilization: man-hating feminism.

Below.... a Queen-like woman with honor and humilty meets Alexander the Great.
Ask yourself: how many women in your entourage have the poise and selflessness of Princess Stateira ?
